Corporate WellBeing beyond COVID-19.
‘How do You InvestInU?’ Part 3.
Building on Parts 1 & 2 of ‘How do you InvestInU?, Part 3 turns to Corporate WellBeing.
- According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 90% of those admitted to hospital for COVID-19 have at least one pre-existing condition. Furthermore six in 10 Americans live with at least one chronic disease.
- 45% employees will only participate in a Wellness Program if given an incentive (Willis Towers Watson).
- Workplace Stress costs organizations $300 billion globally (American Institute for Stress).
- Four out of 5 employees report feeling stress on the job (American Institute for Stress).
- According to Gallup over 50% Employees are ‘not engaged’- those who are psychologically unattached to their work and company and who put time, but not energy or passion, into their work.
- The Aug 2019 Statement from The Business Roundtable extending their commitment to All Stakeholders does not reference Employee Wellbeing (other than providing employees fair wages and ‘important benefits’).
- How many companies have ‘Employee Wellbeing’ as a Core Value? What cultural impact would there be if they did?
Accelerating WellBeing.
The proliferation of Corporate WellBeing programs in the last decade has been driven largely by economic factors (reducing health care costs). How might dealing with COVID-19 be an accelerator to transform WellBeing programs from incentive induced with low engagement, to the operating system that defines the enterprise’s culture – creating support for individual WholeBeing (Spirit / Mind / Emotions / Body)? The WellBeing program becomes the foundation of an integrated Employee Experience supporting people to be at their best in living, learning and working? When people are at their best organizations benefit from enhanced performance, productivity and creativity.
At the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), the strategic plan is to shift from traditional healthcare of ‘Find it, Fix it’ to ‘Whole Health’ – “the VA’s cutting-edge approach to care that supports your health and well-being. Whole Health centers around what matters to you, not what is the matter with you”.
WholeBeing as a Core Value, becomes the heartbeat (health) of the Company.
The disruption caused by COVID-19 offers an opportunity to pivot and reset. Viewing the WellBeing of employees as the heartbeat and overall health of the company, could arguably lead to an improvement in the very metrics that have been pursued but not achieved. Healthier, more satisfied employees leads to many different benefits:
How to achieve this pivot and reset:
- Include Employee WholeBeing as a Core Value and Cultural Focus.
- Task and Measure Leadership to drive Engagement through WholeBeing and Development supported by HR.
- Anchor Employee Engagement to an individual plan for vision and purpose.
- Leverage InvestInU for support.
Why InvestInU?
Imagine where each employee can meaningfully answer the question “How do you InvestInU?” The power and the purpose that will come with that answer. InvestInU is designed to be clean and simple. With a 10 minute a month commitment to respond to the “How do you InvestInU?” email, the ripple effect impacts Members on a daily basis. The Mentor Dashboard (requires different email from Member) allows for cohorts to be supported by Coaches, Champions or Peers. Members benefit from deliberate self-reflection (WholeBeing, the benefit of using existing resources and the benefit to Self, LifePath & Relationships) leading to deeper self-awareness and self-empowerment. The Value on Investment (VOI) far exceeds the $10 month subscription.
Commit to InvestInU for a year and discover your own VOI and the impact this has on who you are Being. Sign Up.
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Jonathan Ainsley April 2020.
#leadership #coaching # wellbeing ##wellness #growthmindset #hr