‘How do You InvestInU?’ Part 1.
In addressing the COVID – 19 crisis, our world is changing at a mind-boggling pace. Yet the rate of change had already been increasing at a rapid rate. How have we (you) been keeping up with that rate of change?
The first time I saw the chart below was at the CliftonStrengths Summit in July 2018 in the keynote presentation by the President & CEO of SHRM. What immediately struck me was the gap between the two arrows. How often do you experience the red arrow (where our minds operate) more than the black arrow (today’s reality)? The onslaught of the machines is omnipresent – Watson, Alexa? In September I learned that one of the top accounting firms was advising their new accountant hires that within ten years, their job would be automated. They have ten years to invest in themselves to be positioned for a future role.
How do we, as humans, not only coexist with this onslaught, but thrive? What do we possess that the machines do not? Spirit. Yet much of our training is orientated around the technical, the doing, the left brain, rather than the being, right brain.
What does operating at the black arrow, with creativity, agility and adaptability, look like for you? What opportunities does it create for you? There has never been a better time to invest in ourselves nor more imperative that we do so.
www.InvestInU.me Members: Use the Quarterly ‘How are you Being Human?’ Questions (first experienced at Enrollment, see below) to develop and create a powerful personal roadmap based on self-awareness and self-empowerment.
www.InvestInU.me Mentors: Use the Quarterly ‘How are you Being Human?’ answers to support your Members.
How are you Being Human? (These Enrollment Questions are revisited Quarterly).
- How do you (want to) make a difference?
- How do you (like to) impact the people around you?
- What future do you dream about?
- What is the most fulfilling experience you have enjoyed in the last month?
- Gratitude: What 3 things are you most grateful for?
Over the coming weeks, these blogs will add to the context of www.InvestInU.me
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Jonathan Ainsley. April 2020.
#leadership #coaching # wellbeing ##wellness #growthmindset